Book Review- The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**k


The Subtle Art Of Not Giving  A F**k

This is a self help book written by Mark Manson in which he states the solution to most of our problems. The major problem of majority of the population is that they care too much. The author gives us an easy solution which is to care about selective things and set our priorities straight. 

The language of the book may not please everyone's palette but the quality of the content isn't questionable at all. The author explains the concept of caring less through various examples and real life incidents. While reading the book many people may find that they relate to these examples and begin to contemplate and analyze. The book has this effect on all of it's readers. Through this process they understand the circumstances they might or might not have seen due to caring too much about trivial things. The book is not all heavy words and psychological talk. The author has inserted jokes at the perfect time so we readers have a hearty laugh without taking away the essence of the topic being discussed. In the end of the book, some may think that author has run out of examples to explain and is stretching the story while others enjoy the thorough explanation at the end. The book has received mixed reviews the majority of the negativity being due to the name and language delivery of the book. Still it continues to inspire and guide countless souls, like the bright North star for the travelers in the night.

In this age of social media dictating lives of people, especially teenagers, choices and lifestyle this book would be a strong shoulder to lean on. I suggest that this book should be read at least once by everyone chiefly the over-thinkers so that they don't go down the rabbit hole of negativity and a whole other world of angst. Let's not judge the book by its cover.


                     ~ Sailee Jadhav


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