
 Hello there!

Petrichor is an online art platform that has found its roots through "The Tejovalay Literary Club" a weekly meet up having the sole objective of enjoying literature. Having no age or language barriers, we happen to have people from all walks of life and that`s what makes us unique. Along with having fun we also learn a lot of new things from each and everyone. 'Treasure hunt', 'debates', 'scavenger hunt', 'dramas', 'declamation' and many such entertaining games are held. This is a place which helps one improve their communication skills, public speaking and build your confidence in a supportive environment. It pushes one out of their comfort zone and encourages curiosity. 

This platform is an opportunity to showcase everyone`s creativity through articles, poems, stories, photographs, sketches and paintings. We have many creative minds who dream of becoming writers, poets, artists and photographers who started their journey early through this blog. We warmly invite all the enthusiasts to join this literary world. 


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