The Untimely Rains


That day it was a clear, bright, sunny sky. After many days she was feeling bubbly and full of energy. Little did she know it wasn't going to last long; both the weather and her mood. She was living in a forest full of loneliness , doubts, happiness and sorrows. Tired, lost and different; she never gave up and continued staying in her forest. She wanted to go out from a certain void in the forest. She was tired of those untimely rains and momentary sunlight. It was making her sick, wearing her out. But the forest wasn't allowing her to even reach that void. Without complaints she stayed in that forest.

Even her shelter was starting to break down slowly because of the constant,  persistent and brief changes. That forest was taking her life, it was destroying her; unknown to her. It was just her and the endless rain that day. She sat in her shelter, looked up to see the rain and realized that the walls of the shelter weren't sturdy anymore; water coming in through them. She had to move away from that shelter. But where...? Where would she go after leaving..? She was just someone who went through everything in that forest of hers without any one beside her. She finally broke down into tears. She wasn't able to endure it inside her anymore. Tears came rolling down her cheeks. It had been a while since she had shown an honest expression on her face. She just cried and cried; her raven eyes full of water and as her tears fell, they created ripples in the muddy puddle. The tears were falling from her eyes as the rain was falling from the clouds that day.

                   - Devika Deshpande


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